The installation of a cobblestone driveway is not as labor-intensive as you might think. You don’t have to use heavy types of machinery or acquire special skills to do it. It’s sort of like a DIY. So if you’re up for the challenge and have some time on your hands, you can do the job yourself.
Keep in mind though that even though granite cobblestone materials are tough, the durability of your driveway is only good as your installation.
Here’s a simple guide on how to install a cobblestone driveway:
- Start by getting rid of grass or the present material on your old driveway.
- Depending on how thick your pavers are, excavate around seven inches deep.
- Add gravel around four to six inches and compact very well. Then add a layer of sand. Smooth and compact the layer.
- To guide your installation, use a string to run a line around your driveway’s borders.
- Start laying your cobblestone pavers from the garage to the sides of your driveway.
- Once the edges are in place, start filling the area, making sure to maintain a uniform joint size. Use a saw with a diamond blade or chisel and hammer if the cobblestone needs some cutting.
- When you’ve laid down all the cobblestones, set them around 3/8 inches by compacting the surface.
- Use a leaf blower to blow out the joints. When done, start filling them with sand or grout. Use a brush if you’re using sand to move it into the joints. Make sure to read and follow the package instructions when using grout, and use a squeegee to spread it evenly.
- Make sure the surface is thoroughly dry before walking or driving on it.
What You Can Use To Fill Joints

Filling the gaps of the pavers will help lock them in place and prevent them from shifting. It can also stop debris and weeds from filling the spaces of your new cobblestone driveway with fill joints. Not only will your driveway look neat and attractive, but it can also help keep ants from calling the gaps their home.
Here are some fill joint materials you can consider:
- Decomposed Granite. The permeable material is also known as DG. It’s not only versatile but inexpensive as well. It’s also available in various colors and particle sizes varying in degrees, making it a great at filling those gaps in style.
- Sand. While sand may seem light and a bit challenging to manage, it can bind the cobblestones effectively. It’s also an excellent choice to keep them in place.
- Polymeric Sand. Like sand, this filler is easy to install, but it’s a bit more expensive. Simply sweep it into the joints, hose it down a bit, and once it solidifies, it will stay in place. It will not wash out, and weeds will not grow through it.
- Concrete. No doubt, the traditional gap filler is durable, cheap, and easy to apply. However, it may not provide your cobbles with the freedom of movement that the other materials offer. It’s also prone to cracks over time.
- Grout. It’s an ideal material if you want narrower joints. It can also provide a waterproof seal with the right mixture and application.
How To Repair The Gaps Between Cobblestone Pavers

- With your spade, dig out any filling left between the cobbles you’ll repair. Replace it instead of doing a simple patching for a long-lasting solution.
- Fill the gaps with the fill joint material of your choice. Consider using the left over filling when your driveway was installed. If it’s no longer available, try to find something that will match its original filling color and material.
- Once done, gently step on the filling to compact it and press it into the space between the cobblestones. Don’t worry compacting it will not cause the others to shift as they are firmly in place.
- Water or hose your new filling down. Wait two or three days for it to settle, and then sweep any excess filling with a broom.
How to Install Stone so Pesky Weeds don’t grow in between your Cobblestones and Pavers
You installed the driveway of your dreams using beautiful natural stones. But after a few months, you see those dreadful weeds starting to grow, and it’s not a pretty sight. So how do you get rid of them?
Understanding how they grow between your paving stones is essential to prevent their growth down the road. When sand washes out, weeds grow as their seedlings fall from the top and in between the spaces of your joints.
Installing your pavers properly is not a surefire way to prevent weed growth. And although opting for the materials of highest quality can help prevent grass growth, they will find a place and a way to grow. That’s how determined they are.
But no matter how persistent they are, you can prevent weeds from growing between your pavers with these effective solutions:
- Make sure your driveway has enough slope for draining water if it rains. Weeds love damp and cool environment.
- Sweep regularly to brush away any new seeds that may settle between the paving stones. It will also disrupt these seedlings from calling the gaps of your pavers home.
If your driveway already has weeds, follow these helpful steps:
- Manually pull out all large weeds between the gaps or joints as they are tougher to eliminate using your pressure washer.
- Use your power washer to get rid of any existing elements from the joints. It’ll remove any current jointing joints and rooting areas. These cleaning machines are powerful, so be careful not to disturb the layer of bedding where your cobblestones are resting.
- Destroy all rotting areas with the help of any organic solution. Chemical solutions are not only harmful to your children and pets, but also damage the environment as well. You can pour either boiling water or vinegar over the infected sections. The process will not kill the existing weeds but stop new grass from growing as well.
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